Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New WAR classes confirmed?

"In 2009 we are going to keep advancing with great strides. The Keg End Event is drawing to an end in the new year, but the next patch is coming soon and so is the next event. Also, the introduction of the melee DPS careers for the Dwarfs and the Greenskins...

Fable 2, surprisingly good

I was not a big fan of the original Fable, so I was a bit nervous about asking for Fable 2 as a Christmas gift. With the help of other blogs, I managed to work up the confidence. So far, I am glad that I did. I have only put a few hours into Fable...

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

How WoW will help WAR

More specifically, "How Lake Wintergrasp will give War subscribers."I used to not be a fan of PvP in MMO's. I know, you are shocked, but it is true. I grew up on single player RPG's and other single player games. When I got into MUD's and MUSH's,...

Monday, December 29, 2008

Introducing WAR Watcher

WAR Watcher is a way for you to keep informed about the zone control (locking) changes on your server in Warhammer Online. When a zone changes hand, a post will automatically be made to a RSS feed, so you can get the latest RvR news. There are two...

Friday, December 26, 2008

Friday Question: Favorite Holiday Movie

Here we are, in the holiday's hangover. I guess there still is New Years, but it really doesn't compare, now does it? One of my favorite things about this time of year is the movies. There are so many great ones.Q: What is your favorite holiday movie?Mine...

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Werit the Lightweight

You wish... a Dwarf lightweight, can you imagine? I wouldn't be able to show myself again in the pub. In this case, I am referring to WARs holiday event, Kegs End. Much like my fellow engineer Syp, I just am not enjoying this live event. I probably...

Monday, December 22, 2008

Werit conquers The Nexus

As you will recall, I have had some trouble with completing The Nexus. Well, no more! This weekend I managed to complete it... it's a Christmas miracle! Well, maybe not, but still I am pretty happy.I logged on in the morning and on a lark went looking...

Friday, December 19, 2008

Keep Improvement: Door Control

It is no secret that the Keeps in WAR leave much to be desired. They do look good, but they are linear and really just boring. There is no real strategy beyond covering the postern doors and pushing your way in. There is a lot of potential here though....

Thursday, December 18, 2008

At an impasse

Recently, I have hit a bit of trouble with WoW. When we last left my 72 Protection Warrior, he was off to Coldarra. I finished up all the quests there, which were not too bad. I really like the scenery. The last thing for me to do there (and in...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Dark Knight

This weekend I watched Dark Knight on Blu-Ray. I had never seen it in theaters but heard a lot of good things. I was a little worried that it would not live up to the hype, but thankfully it did. This was probably one of the best movies I have seen...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Ballistics vs Weapon Skill

Did you know that there is a time when Weapon Skill is better to have than Ballistics? I didn't. Luckily, Papa Gwan over at The Kitchen Philosopher did. Check out a pretty indepth comparison, including charts and graphs, here. Thanks Pap Gwan for...

TOR, where's the MMO?

As you probably know, Bioware released a video documentary about their new game: Star Wars: The Old Republic. The video was ok, most of what was said could already be found here. I am not going to write about the graphics or anything, as they do not...

Monday, December 15, 2008

This is my rifle

This weekend, I decided to shake things up and try something new with Tirew, who is now BR 34/RR 34. For all of his life, he had been a grenade spec Engineer. So took a trip to Altdorf and became a Rifleman. I took the full tree with the skills: Snipe,...

Friday, December 12, 2008

Friday Question: WAR 1.10a

Yesterday saw the release of the much anticipated 1.10a patch for Warhammer Online. You can read about it here, here and here. So my question to you is:Q: Now that patch 1.10a is live, what do you think about it?Personally, I am actually disappointed....

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Zone Locking in Open RvR

One idea that is being floated around the forums a lot lately is the idea that zone locking should be done based on fighting in the RvR lakes exclusively. You can read a full explanation of zone locking here. Here is the quick summary:"In order to control...

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Metallica and Zombies

Metallica made a pretty cool new video for All Nightmare Long off of Death Magnetic. It involves zombies, communists and robots. It is about 9 minutes long, so get comfortable!Edit: It occurred to me RSS folks may not get the embedded content, so...

Order goes on the offensive

Last night, Order on the Badlands server got a little organized and decided to go on the offensive. It started around 8pm est in Kadrin valley. I joined up with CoW's new alliance, Echelon, and we made a warband. I would estimate there were a total...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

On this episode of Wings...

My 71 Protection Warrior made his way to Fizzcrank Airstrip, as he heard they needed some help. It is a pretty cool looking facility, even if it is crawling with Gnomes. Having watched Wings years ago, I was expecting a pretty hilarious time. TV you...

Monday, December 8, 2008

WAR for the WoW Player

Are you a Warcraft fan and interested in the new Warhammer game? This article should serve as a primer and hopefully help you feel more at home in WAR.Leveling. In WAR, levels are called Battle Ranks (BR) and there are 40 ranks. You gain experience...

Saturday, December 6, 2008

SWG, Looking Good.

SWG is the most underrated MMO out there. With their recent Producers Note, they are looking good, in more ways than one.Coming early in the new year is an Appearance Tab. When I was playing SWG, this was one feature I was very excited about. Much...

Friday, December 5, 2008

WAR is Too Massive! Part 2

In Part 1, I touched a little on Fortresses and the current problems. As far as I know, the crashing is still an issue. Mythic is currently making client and server improvements that will hopefully end the crashing. That is really just a symptom of...

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Werits Christmas List

I know many of you out there are wondering, "What did Werit ask for for Christmas?" Wait, Your not wondering that? Well maybe my list will give you some ideas on what to get that geek in your life.Let's see, where to start. The PS3 I recently received...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

WAR is Too Massive! Part 1

It has been a pretty busy week for Werit and the CoWs. Mythic decided to effectively shut down the Averheim server, so we all moved over to the Badlands. Their goal was to reduce the number of Medium population servers to a few High population. It...

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Murlocs and Torture

Over the weekend I did get some time for WoW. After my bad experience, I had a pretty good time. This time I was off to the Amber Lodge to relay thanks from a fortunate soul they saved. It seems to be occupied by the Kirin Tor, whom you get reputation...

Monday, December 1, 2008

Leeches are abundant

I don't know whether it is the Badlands server or just Tier 4 in general, but XP/Renown leeches are much more common. These are the guys who go solo in the scenarios, so they don't have to share any XP or Renown with a group. It is usually two types...

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