It has arrived! Below is the Tome page for the latest live event, Night of Murder. It looks much less painful than Kegs End. Although, 10 Keep Lords seems a bit high. I would have gone with 5. This event really is all about killing... as it should be. Be sure to click on the Live Event tab multiple times :)
The elite reward is a piece of jewelry that is for a subset of classes (you have 4 options to choose from). It has an attribute bonus (i.e. Toughness), some nice +100 resists and a +5% gold or renown bonus. The advanced Reward is a trophy, and the basic reward grants you a title.
Here is a list of the requirements for the event:
See you on the battlefield!
Banquet for Fools - Version 1.8 live
5 hours ago
sounds great, btw whats that skull of enemy player? do players drop skulls upon death or what? that could be awesome :-P especially if you could send it to him via mail :-P
It sure sounds like players skulls are lootable.
Those tasks are brilliant! All about murdering other players, with one real exception. Can't wait to get home and pin-cushion people with my new 40. Grats to you on yours as well!
Every time I see the Tome, it reminds me that they recently laid off the person responsible for it. Sad.
Carrie Gouskos still works at Mythic.
I got most task in a session of 2 hours. It seems to be a better "Events" as the last 3 once.
Greetz from germany,
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