Friday, May 29, 2009

Phase 2 on PTS

Land of the Dead Testing Phase 2 is up on the PTS. Ranged DPS changes are now in, as is the expedition resource collection for the Land of the Dead. It isn't clear if we can access the new zone yet, doesn't seem so as they would have mentioned it....

Vertical Progression

Players are like girls who say they want a nice guy. What they really mean is they want that nice guy on the side, just like their horizontal progression. When it comes down to it, it is the vertical progression that gets them going. I hear a lot...

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Going Commando

The ailment cast upon me yesterday has not gone away. It actually kept me from exacting my revenge on the battlefields yesterday. It is hard to find a good healer these days. I took some NyQuil, although it may be OP... wonderfully OP.So that leaves...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

In the meantime

As I'm is not feeling well today (struck down by a devious Destruction weapon probably), this will be a very light (even for me) post.Check out this Paul Barnett interview, funny stu...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Cheating at WAR

There has been a lot of coverage lately about applications used to cheat at WAR. These technical-based attacks are just one form of cheating that plague the game. Recently, I was introduced to another form of cheating which was much more devastating...

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Killzone 2

After a fun time with Resistance Fall of Man 2, I thought I would give my PS3 some work and get Killzone 2. I had heard good things about that game and it's supposed to be one of the best on the system. So yesterday I popped it in.First of all, I spent...

Friday, May 22, 2009

Upgrade those upgrades

I think that the keep system has been a success so far. While keeps are still mostly the same, they are a tad less static now. You do need to consider the upgraded door strength and those Champion guards can be a real pain. As for the rest of the...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

On the level

Are experience levels a necessary part of the RPG formula? This is a question that came out of a post I made about wanting a Tier 4-only version of WAR. It was said that without levels it would just be a FPS. I agree that is the case if there are...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Reward Ratio

Player rewards are a tricky subject in WAR. As we have seen, how players are rewarded can have unintended consequences. Back when influence was introduced, the goal was to give more reason to fight over BO's, Keeps and to kill your fellow player. ...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Life begins at 40

I was thinking about a new PvP centric ruleset for WAR. All characters start out at rank 40 and renown rank 0. There are no Tiers 1 - 3, only Tier 4. Equipment pretty much stays the same, limited by renown rank. Abilities would now have restrictions...

Monday, May 18, 2009


Mythic, what's the deal? You are making tremendous strides with the game but leave so many frustrating bugs. While many of these bugs are not game breaking, they do cause the player problems and lessen the fun of the game.Yesterday I took part in a...

Friday, May 15, 2009

WAR Changes Incoming + PTS

Thursday was quite a day for WAR. It started off with a hotfix that adjusted token prices. Some items had their prices raised, but many had them lowered. For example, I was able to buy my Conqueror Belt for only 80 Officer Medallions and 3 Conqueror...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

A Wish for Mythic

Overall I am pretty happy with WAR. I have fun when I play, and that is all I really ask from a game. While things are looking very nice for the future (Land of the Dead), not everything is going well. At least on Badlands, the lower tiers seem pretty...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Return of Reikland Factory

Just saw an interview with Mark Davis (Live Events) over at Massively. It covered a lot of what we have heard before, but did have some new information about May's (early June) event:"There will be many ways to gain points in the event, like, for example,...

WAR Contest!

Xerb over at WarUnderground and WAAAGH Roots, is running a contest. This one is a bit different than any I have seen before and looks pretty interesting."Beginning May 11, through May 24, I will be hosting a player made radio commercial contest over...

New Engineer Build

Yesterday, I mentioned that I was trying out a new Engineer build. My previous one was pretty much a full Grenadier build (looked like this). This is an effective build, especially for defensive situations. There is much debate about the Rank 4 Morale,...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

WAR rages in Reikland

Yesterday was a great afternoon of WAR. Upon logging in, I saw that Destro was pushing Stonewatch. Estimates had them at 3 warbands. Order rallied at the fortress with approximately 2 warbands. And we waited. The attack never came. Instead we received...

Mounted Combat coming to WAR?

During part 2 of the G4 video (about 1:50 in), Jeff mentions that they have plans for RvR mounts that do "interesting special things." While it isn't necessarily in their plans for the Land of the Dead... it is something they may do. Could this mean...

Monday, May 11, 2009

MMO Security

One of the hot WAR topics recently is a certain program that allows cheating. I will not be giving it free advertising, so lets call it Program X. Using Program X, a player can do funky things like fly around, teleport and other such things. Cheating...

Where is Werit, Video Edition!

It's been a while since we've had a 'Where in the WAR is Werit', so this time I made it a video.If the embedded link didn't work, it can be found here.So what did you think of using video instead of screenshots?And of course, where is Wer...

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Land of the Dead Video #2

A 2nd video from G4's XPlay.Did he say mounts that do special things? Yes he did.Video Games - E3 2009 - X-PlayFor more LotD info, check out gaarawarr.Also, here is the direct link for the vid...

Friday, May 8, 2009

Tomb Kings Trailer - Video

Just watched the G4 XPlay segment for the Land of the Dead. I thought it was awesome. They have it online, so check it out yourself.EDIT: Video #2 can be found here.Video Games - E3 2009 - X-PlayWhat did you think?If the above didn't work, you can...

Tomb Kings trailer tonight

FYI:Tonight on XPlay (G4 8pm EST) they will be showing a trailer for the Tomb Kings. Jeff and Paul should be on too.EDIT: See the trailer here:

For the Longest Time

Woa, oh, oh, For the longest time Woa, oh, oh, oh For the longest time If Destruction would stay with us and fight The time spent here would be much more bright What else can I do I need some of that loot too I've been standing at this Fort for the...

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Twitter pays off

As you may or may not know, I recently joined Twitter. It is an interesting service and I am going to try and stick with it. On a completely unrelated note, did you see the rumors Apple was going to buy it for $700 million? These turned out to be...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Werit stays at WAR

It has been a rough month or so for WAR bloggers. Many have closed up shop and moved on from blogging and the game itself. On the surface, this might look bad for WAR. I don't think it necessarily means something is wrong with the game, but it doesn't...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Success at Nordenwatch

Over the weekend, Mythic surprised us with a mini Live Event, Struggle for Nordenwatch. It wasn't very complicated, they opened up a tier 1 scenario for everyone, gave it +10% Experience and Renown and added a task list with a Title reward. It could...

Monday, May 4, 2009

WAR Watcher Updated!

WAR Watcher allows you to keep track of the campaign on your server. When a zone changes hand, you can be notified by RSS or Twitter. Some notes from the update:Now be notified via Twitter! Zones will be checked for changes approximately every 5 minutes.Accuracy...

Friday, May 1, 2009

Nordenwatch Task List

Mythic announced the Struggle for Nordenwatch Event today. It isn't a full fledged live event, but still a nice surprise. The Tier 1 scenario, Nordenwatch, has been opened up for all tiers. Bonus XP and Renown are also given for fighting there. Here...

Where are they?

It occurs to me that we have not heard too much from Mark Jacobs or Paul Barnett lately...Q: Where are Mark and Paul?According to twitter, Paul has become an Orc version of Martha Stewart and is setting up a hobby room at Mythic. As for Mark, I heard...

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