Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Aion: Fighting in the Abyss

As a fan of PvP and RvR, I can't help but keep an eye on Aion. Today I did some reading and watching about life in the Abyss. It has similarities with other games like WAR, but is also different.Keep Sieges. The keep siege system looks very similar...

What about the Twinkie?

A couple weeks ago I got my hands on Ghostbusters: The Video Game for the XBox 360. I've been a Ghostbusters fan for a long time and was looking forward to the game. The previous efforts were not bad at all, but it has been a while since a new Ghostbusters...

Monday, June 29, 2009

Return of the Producers Letter: Part 1

Mythic posted Part 3 of their Producer Letter series. Trilogies seem to be still in vogue. It contains the normal prerequisites that an official letter must have. Commitment, support, recap yada, yada, yada. Combat and Careers. Many of the changes...

Friday, June 26, 2009

Fight Finder v1.1

WAR is everywhere, when you have Fight Finder! Fight Finder is an add-on which keeps you informed about the all of the RvR going on in the game. If you are hanging out and Tier 4 and a Tier 1 fight breaks out, Fight Finder will tell you so you can hop...

Thursday, June 25, 2009

It's not the end of the world

As you have no doubt heard, EA is restructuring Bioware and Mythic under a new MMO group. This group will be lead by Ray Muzyka at Bioware. Mark Jacobs will be leaving and co-founder Rob Denton will report to Ray. In essence, Mythic will now report...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Opening Day Impressions

Yesterday the Land of the Dead opened in WAR. On Badlands, Order won the race and was granted access for a day. I won't be saying that the LotD is good or bad for the game, as it is way too early to tell. I know some people on my server proclaimed...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Land of the Dead Opens

Today Warhammer Online's new zone, The Land of the Dead, opens. The winner of the Rise of the Tomb Kings will get a full days access before being able to be purged by their enemy. I'm not really sure what time the new zone opens, but the Herald message...

Monday, June 22, 2009

New WAR Add-on: Fight Finder

I was feeling especially productive this morning, so I made a small WAR add-on called Fight Finder. This add-on will notify you of any fights happening in every zone. For example, if I am questing in High Pass and a fight breaks out in Avelorn, I will...

Tank On

In my post, Things to do before the Land of the Dead, I wanted to get my Ironbreaker to Level 25 so he could journey to the new zone. In the first few weeks, it should be quite a popular place so leveling should be good. This weekend was spent mostly...

Friday, June 19, 2009

WoW adds PvP Exp

With the 3.2 patch, Blizzard plans to give experience points in Battlegrounds. You can read the full Q&A here. At first I was very excited, as I love PvP leveling. Then I read this:"Experience will be granted based on honor gain from actions,...


Mythic has always been pretty good about communication with their players. Recently though, one member of their team has gone above and beyond. Bryant, a Senior testing Lead, has been very active on the WAR forums.He doesn't give any great details...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

UI Improvements

I spent some time yesterday on my WAR UI. It has long been neglected and became quite cluttered. Using WAR's native interface tools I was able to adjust it so it is very minimal and gives a lot of screen space. Here is what it looks like now.I am...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

You just lost a refinery!

Yesterday was Patch Day in WAR and overall it went pretty smooth. I had some patcher issues, but it was all resolved ones the server came back up. I logged in and got to work exploring the new content.The first thing I did was setup my Auto-Roll. ...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Rise of the Tomb Kings Task List

The Live Event, Rise of the Tomb Kings, has started! Here is the full task list for the event.Completing the tasks contributes toward your realms total score. A good bit of them are RvR too, so it should make for some interesting tim...

It has begun

The Land of the Dead expansion and patch 1.3 go live, today! It starts with the Rise of the Tomb Kings event and culminates with one realm getting full access to Zandri for a day. I expect the RvR to be fast and furious as both sides compete for the...

Monday, June 15, 2009

Stuff to get in the Land of the Dead

With the Land of the Dead fast approaching, you may be wondering what is down there that you would want. Gold will not go very far with the risen dead, but scarabs will. With these tokens there are a number of items you can trade them in for, in addition...

Friday, June 12, 2009

Clip Show Friday!

It's been a busy week here on Werit. That means you get a clip show!On Werit...Bones for Werit - A package from Mythic!Crafting in the Land of the Dead - What's new with crafting down south?Tomb of the Vulture Lord Footage - Small peak into the latest...

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Bones for Werit

UPS dropped off a package for me today... from Mythic. It is a part of the Rise of the Tomb Kings Blog Challenge and contains a number of things. First, a nice jawbone...Here we have Day 4 for of the Diary of Doom.And the Map...

Crafting in the Land of the Dead

Crafting received some additions in Warhammer Online's upcoming Land of the Dead expansion. When you venture to the new zone, you will find several new ingredients that can be purchased from vendors for scarabs. Apothecary and Talisman Making both...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Tomb of the Vulture Lord Footage

Last night, the Tomb of the Vulture Lord was opened for testing on the PTS. I managed to find a group and ventured into the new dungeon. The video does not really spoil anything for a couple reasons. One, I hate spoiling content before it even hits...

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Land of the Dead - In Action

I put together another Land of the Dead trailer, this time with more action oriented video. I hoped to get some Destruction players in it, but such are the pitfalls of filming on PTS.Direct Li...

Aion, Not feeling it

Recently, Aion buzz has taken hold of many blogs and gaming sites. I did not play during their preview weekend but was curious about the game so I did some research. It was not an easy task, as it seems different Aion patch versions are run in different...

Monday, June 8, 2009

Vessel Weapons

One of the new features that the Land of the Dead will be bringing us is Vessel Weapons. These are weapons that are less powerful by default but offer more in the way of customization than other weapons in the game. They come with a dps value, a single...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Land of the Dead Fan Trailer

To continue this weeks video trend, I put together a Land of the Dead (on PTS) trailer. This is my first attempt at such a thing but I think it worked out well enough. Not much action in this one, maybe next time.Direct li...

The Glyph Bar

There have been a few questions about a bar of blocks that appear in your Land of the Dead interface. It is your Glyph bar and the star of a new video!Direct li...

WARs Future

Last weeks post about Vertical Progression got me thinking about what options are available for WAR. There is certainly a lot of horizontal progression possibilities which we will likely see. Are there really any vertical opportunities?In a traditional...

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Through the Looking Glass

I am in a video mood today. Here is another quickie showing a new way of getting around the Land of the Dead (PTS).That Elf creeps me out.Direct link he...

Land of the Dead Footage

Werit took his camcorder along with him to the Land of the Dead. Be sure to play it in HD.The original can be found he...

Werit enters the Land of the Dead

Last night was the Land of the Dead opening on the Public Test Server. It got off to a rough start as most people had no idea what was going on or what to do. Eventually Order unlocked the Land of the Dead.As you can see from the snapshot below, a...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Things to do before the Land of the Dead

The Land of the Dead (and 1.3) should hit the live servers in the next few weeks. Before a big patch, there is always a lull. With so much potential on the horizon it can be hard to be motivated to play now. I am playing though as I have a list of...

Monday, June 1, 2009

Amazing TOR Trailer

This is one of the greatest trailers I've ever seen. "> Video Games | Star Wars: The Old Republic | E3 09: Jedi vs Sith Cinematic HDXBox 360 | Playstation 3 | Nintendo WiiHere is the li...

Change is coming

Not only is the 1.3 patch bringing us the Land of the Dead, it is also bringing many changes to class balance. Many have been requested by the community while others have not. These changes are currently on the Public Test Server, so if you're curious...

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