Before The Old Republic releases, bloggers will be pretty good for the game. We can't help but be excited about it and give it much coverage. Bioware has been doing a great marketing job and blogs are just a small piece of the overall picture. But TOR is different than most other games.
TOR has put an emphasis on the story aspect where most other MMO's do not. They really seem to want to bring the single player experience to the MMO world. This is where blogs and other websites could be detrimental to the game.
We love to talk about the game (well, most of us). When I play single player RPG's, I do not want any kind of spoilers. If TOR succeeds on the story front, I won't want to spoil that either. That will be a limiting factor for me when visiting sites that talk about TOR. I'll be pretty paranoid the content I read as not to ruin the story.
It will also limit what I write on this blog. I usually don't post detailed guides ahead of time or spoilers for that very reason. After the game/system has been released I don't mind as much. With TOR though, alts sound like a very viable option for replayability. Bioware has said they all have unique quests and stories, so players may actually roll every class.
Will blogs be good for TOR once it's released? I hope we find out soon :)
good point, we might learn more than we really wanted to if we keep our google readers up.
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