Is it almost November already? It seems like I was just talking about the huge MMO month of September. Not to be outdone, October and November are teaming up to bring us the launch of 3 new games. While they are not MMO's, they definetly deserve your attention.
Dragon Age: Origins. This would be the heavyweight of the bunch. A Bioware RPG, need I say more? I've had the Collectors Edition on pre-order for a while now. So yea, I'll be playing this when it comes out. Can you guess which character?
You can expect to lose a lot of time starting November 3rd.
Borderlands. A gazillion guns. That is all the advertising they need. If you are still not sure, watch this video. Mainstream'd. Despite the guns and awesome video I am on the fence with Borderlands. You see, co-op play is a heavily touted feature, which is great for those popular people. Me, I'm a loner. Actually, my schedule just makes finding folks to play with tough.
Borderlands starts shootin... today on the 360/PS3. The PC version is out the 26th.
Torchlight. This one may be the surprise hit. It's an action RPG game that looks like an AAA production. However, it only costs about $18. That is the cost of one trip to the movies. I'm pretty sure you will get many more hours out of this than whatever let down film you just watched. Check out a video. I've got this bad boy pre-ordered.
Releases on the PC October 27th, from digital distribution sites.
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