Monday was actually a busy news day for Mythic. We got some news about events, policy and a request for some feedback. Usually I would wait for my News from the Front posts to mention these, but time is of the essence!
Dial WAR for Murder. The Night of Murder live event was supposed to end today. Due to some early bugs with the event, Mythic has extended it to next Tuesday (2/23). Plenty of time to get the +10% potions for all of your characters. This will also give more time to stock up on those marking potions.
Shiver me Timbers. A PTS (Public Test Server) event was announced for this Thursday (2/18) at 8pm EST. The new Scurvy Dogs 6 vs 6 scenario, The Ironclad, will be open for players to check out. Now is the time to give feedback, so hop on the PTS.
Bizzaro World. Andy, Mythic Community Wrangler, started up a new thread over on the forums. Now that a number of scenarios are being moved to Weekend Events, they have the opportunity to change their rulesets. In several posts this week, Andy seems to have been possessed by a demonic chicken. It would seem they are looking for fun ideas, not just improvements.
There can be only one... keystroke. Thanks for Back to the Dark Age for bringing this to my attention. Mythic has clarified their position on macro's and multi-boxers in Dark Age of Camelot. In short, both are against the EULA. Could the same policy be coming to WAR soon? Check out the Camelot Herald for all the details.
I apologize for the bad puns present above. Also for the title, in which only the word Four makes any sense with this post.
Banquet for Fools - Version 1.8 live
15 hours ago