Last Thursday, we got our first look at WAR's newest scenario, The Ironclad. Taking place on a Dwarven Ironclad, this scenario is for group vs group (6 vs 6) play. The event was a lot of fun and the new scenario should prove to be interesting. Continue on for some video and impressions of The Ironclad.
I am going to split my impressions of this new scenario into two posts due to length. First, let's talk about the postive aspects of this new scenario.
Scenery. The Ironclad and the surrounding scenery look great. It feels totally different than any of the other scenarios. The art team did an amazing job.
Varied. There are three objectives to capture and they are all a bit different. The upper objective is on the top desk and wide open. The central objective is at the intersection of corridors. The lower one is in the Engine room and it somewhere in between the sizes of the other two.
Spawns. Unlike most other scenarios, the spawn points are not mirrored. It offers a nice change of pace but this will appear on the negative list too.
Strategy. The variety that the scenario offers could allow for differing strategies. It should make premade vs premade battles very fun.
Tomorrow, I will post some of the concerns I have with The Ironclad.
EDIT: Part 2 is up.
Banquet for Fools - Version 1.8 live
15 hours ago