It's been quite a week for WAR. The patch notes for 1.3.4 were released which caused some rejoicing and a lot of uproar. A stress test event was held on the PTS server which was followed by a Q&A. I hope to have a video of the event out early next week. So what was going on in the rest of the WAR community?
- The 1.3.4 patch notes. Yay for RvR weapons! Boo for cutting so many scenarios.
- Mythic is running a poll concerning the popularity of some scenarios.
- 1.3.4 also includes some sound updates, what do you think?
- Rldisi was kind enough to write up the Q&A session which followed the PTS event.
- Grimnir is none too pleased with the scenario cuts. He has the pictures to prove it.
- Shadow WAR gives his take on 1.3.4. He is also not a fan of the scenario changes.
- WAR Bureau takes a look at the new Destruction weapons.
- Bootae is also not a fan of the scenario changes. Hmm, I see a pattern here.
- Blaze has some thoughts on the new scenario currency. He does bring up a good point about the cost.
- Was Tor Anroc really as fun as you remember? I think so, of course I had a knockback :)
- Mr. Meh gives 1.3.4 a meh. He also does not think much of the scenario changes.
- Gaarawar shows off some of the RR 75 weapons.
- Fight on the Flag fights in Chaos Wastes... and is also not a fan of the scenario changes.
- Mykiel breaks out his Shadow Warrior and makes it look fun.
- A look at one the the early Order Public Quests.
- City siege video from Karak-Azgal. Death metal warning, adjust speakers as needed. It is actually a 4 part series.
- A 1080p look at a keep siege video. Death metal warning on this one too.
- Pax Mortis takes on Destruction in Altdorf. Nice to see another Engineer!