As we head deeper into March, Mythic has started to talk about 1.3.5 and 1.3.6 a bit more. We still don't know when 1.3.5 will land on the PTS, but it probably isn't too far off. The greater WAR community has been especially active the last couple of weeks, did it continue?
- A Community Spotlight, focused on bloggers! A lot of great sites on there, so check it out.
- Three new feedback threads concerning 1.3.5 and 1.3.6.
- Mythic wants some guilds to help test the 1.3.5 city siege changes
- Bootae talks about the importance of playing smoooooooth.
- Zizlak gives us his take on some of 1.3.5's changes.
- WARgames tells us why we should be using YakUI.
- Yitu does some detective work on the recent Video Grab Bag for expansion details.
- Grimnir posted his thoughts on WAR's economy.
- Blog the Witch finished part 1 of his Bloodkiss novel.
- Syrner, a new blogger, talks about his Knight of the Blazing Sun.
- i heart gorfang posts some truly scary pictures.
- Footage of a Witch Elf soloing folks in Tier 1.
- Gamelinx made a video about Tier 1 RvR as a Bright Wizard.
- A video from WAR Russia. There are cats with machine guns, zombies, a lot of blood and WAR RvR.
- It was only a matter of time, WAR meets the Loveboat.
- Tier 2 Squig Herder action. Another one from WAR Russia, the are certainly keeping busy over there.
- AoS has some 6-man vs pug video... with the expected results.
- RvR from Volkmar. Keeps, Land of the Dead and more! Great video with an epic feeling.