No, not that kind of SBD. The latest State of the Game is out for Fallen Earth and it is quite large. I am a bit behind in my Fallen Earth posts, I blame Mythic and the Xbox 360 for my negligence. The letter is too large for a single post to hold, so consider this a preview.
Customization. Icarus is adding the ability to alter the look of your vehicles. It does look pretty neat. They also hint at a lot more coming down the road, perhaps an appearance system?
Minor Re-specs. Fallen Earth does have one of the more unforgiving skill systems, but they are working toward making it more friendly. The most interesting part about this is crafters will be able to make items that players can use to re-spec.
PvP Flagging. You will be able to set yourself pvp-able at all times. That means it can occur anywhere and everywhere. Should make for some interesting battles without discouraging players who do not want to be involved.
Those cars look freakin sweet. More next week.
AggroChat #515 – Guild Authorizes This Hunt
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