With Warhammer Online's 1.3.6 patch drawing near, I figured it was time for another contest. This time I will be giving away several prizes, including an unopened WAR Collector's Edition. For a chance at winning, all you have to do is write about one of your favorite moments playing the game. Read on for the details!
1st Place. An unopened Warhammer Online Collector's Edition. It includes several books, a miniature and a code which gives new items, quests and a choice of heads for your character. Even if you already own the game, you should be able to apply the code to your account and receive the items.
If you happen to own it already, you may choose one of the other prizes. NOTE: This prize is only open to North American residents due to shipping issues.
2nd Place. A Warhammer poster. There are 2 themes to choose from, Dwarf vs Greenskin or Empire vs Chaos. I can provide pictures if needed. NOTE: This is open to NA residents only. You may choose between this and the 3rd place prize.
3rd Place. An item code! You can choose from : Rivenstaff's Deck of Eight and Bottomless Custard or the Skaven Skin Cloak. NOTE: This one is open to NA and EU players.
To enter, just post one of your favorite WAR experiences as a comment. Be sure to enter a working e-mail address so I can contact you if needed. The addresses are only able to be seen by me. Alternatively, you may also e-mail me your story at contests@weritsblog.com with a subject of "WAR Story".
The contest will end Monday, July 26th at 8am EDT. Judging will be done by me, or using a poll.
I will start us off. I have had a number of great experiences in Warhammer Online. One sticks out in recent memory. I was playing my Slayer who is still in Tier 3, thanks to the WAR Report I found a bunch of activity in Black Fire Pass.
Upon arrival I saw Destruction was laying siege to Gnol Baraz. My first attempts at reaching the keep were met with failure as Destro was looking for stragglers. I had to take the long way around and make it to one of the side doors. The defenders were still holding the outer doors but it was only a matter of time.
Eventually we had to fall back to the keep, where we did our best to fight them off. That door came down too. We made our stand in the doorway. Thankfully were we had several tanks and actually held off Destro's initial push. The next thing I knew about 2 hours had passed.
It was a constant battle the whole time, neither side wanting to quit. I eventually had to leave the battle as it was not showing any signs of ending. Even though better experience and renown could have been had elsewhere, the fight continued on and victory was always in doubt. I like to think that we won in the end.
AggroChat #515 – Guild Authorizes This Hunt
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