Friday, October 29, 2010

News from the Front: Take that, you dirty Rat!

I'm gonna give you to the count of 10 to get your ugly, yellow, no-good keister off my property before I pump your guts full of lead! One, two, ten!  Sorry, Home Alone has been on a lot in my house.   There have been 2 testing sessions...

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Playable Skaven Video

Last night, Mythic held a PTS event to test out the new Open RvR system.  Much to my surprise, they also enabled the new playable Skaven.  This is the first time we have gotten a look at them, so it is a little rough.  I did manage to...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What do you want?

One of Warhammer Online's upcoming features has received a good amount of criticism from the player-base.  Thanquol's Incursion is supposed to be a nice kind of RvR experience which uses some raid style bosses.  Most of the feedback has been...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Introducing the Item Depot

I'm happy to announce a new feature for the Arsenal of WAR, the Item Depot.  I think it is best described as a shopping cart for WAR items (Weapons, Armor, Potions and Talismans).  You just add items to the depot and it will add up all of the...

Monday, October 25, 2010

Banner Contest Winner

Today marked the end of the Arsenal of WAR's banner contest.  There were some nice entries so thank you to everyone who submitted one.  There can be only one winner though, and I especially liked this banner. Check it out after the jump...

About the RvR Dungeon

On Friday, the second test of the new RvR Dungeon: Thanquol's Incursion was held.  It lasted much longer than the first and had a good amount of player participation.  The reaction was mixed as expected.  It is a mostly new concept they...

Friday, October 22, 2010

News from the Front: New Stuff

It has been one of those mornings, so the title is especially not creative.  The big topic in the WAR community has been all of the new stuff up on the PTS.  A lot of 1.4's equipment can be viewed but not used yet.  I'm still surprised...

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Thanquol's Incursion Video

Last night was the first PTS session to test Warhammer Online's new RvR dungeon, Thanquol's Incursion.  Sadly, the test was cut short due to a bug, but that is what the PTS is for.  I was lucky enough to make it into an instance.  Continue...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

RvR Dungeon - Thanquol's Incursion

Yesterday, Mythic surprised us with a detailed article about how the new RvR Dungeon will work.  Now it also has a name, Thanquol's Incursion.  If you remember, Thanquol is one of the bosses we will square off against. This isn't a traditional...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Skaven Skills

We know that in the upcoming RvR Pack we will be able to play as Skaven.  There will be 4 class: Rat Ogre, Packmaster, Warlock Engineer and the Gutter Runner. I did some more investigating and found some of the skills we will be able to use...

Monday, October 18, 2010

Love to Hate

Part of what makes Warhammer Online so fun to me is the rivalries that naturally develop from PvP.  In PvE games, I don't really care about what the npc's I am killing are.  Wheeee, another Gnoll dead, on to the blue ones!  In WAR, just...

Friday, October 15, 2010

News from the Front: Return of the Banhammer

Well, sorta.  Mythic added right click spam reporting and escalation, so I hope spammers will get what's coming to them.  My game time has been split this week between my Badlands Engineer and my Karak Norn Black Orc.  Having a lot of...

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Arsenal Updates

Over the last week I have been trying to play WAR more than working on the Arsenal of WAR. PTS Events don't help matters as they can be a lot of fun too. Even so, there have been some improvements.  Read on for the details...

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


It looks like, WAR's primary item database for a long time, has closed its doors.  I'm not really surprised, as it was not updated in quite a while.  It was a great site, one which provided a valuable service to the Warhammer Online...

Renown Point Overhaul

In the upcoming 1.4 patch, the Renown Point (RP) system will see some major changes.  Gone is the tiered system and the special renown tactics.  In their place is a more open system and a bunch of new Renown Abilities. ...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

1.4 PTS Video #2

On Friday afternoon, Mythic held the second PTS event for the 1.4 patch.  It was very similar to the first test, but there were some changes made.  This time around I played a Zealot, which was a first for me.  Fun experience, throwing...

Monday, October 11, 2010

Banner Contest

I think it is time that the Arsenal of WAR had its own banner.  Since I lack even the most rudimentary artistic skills, I am going to open this up to the community through a contest.  Read on for more details about the Arsenal of WAR Banner...

Friday, October 8, 2010

News from the Front: PTS!

This has been an exciting week for Warhammer Online. Parts of the 1.4 patch (RvR Pack) were brought up on the Public Test Server.  This includes the new Open RvR system, mounts and other improvements.  Be sure to hop on and look around...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

1.4 PTS Event Video

Last night, the first PTS event was held for the upcoming 1.4 patch.  Over 400 players took to battlefield to test out the new Open RvR system.  It is a small RvR lake when compare to Tier 4, yet performance was very good for me.  I took...

Heavy Mounts

Mythic likes mounts, it's true.  In the upcoming 1.4 patch we will see the introduction of Heavy Mounts to Warhammer Online.  I'm not talking about Sparkling Ponies either.  These look like they will be available to all who can afford...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Using Mobile Siege Weapons

One of the more interesting aspects of the revamped RvR system coming in 1.4 is that siege engines can now be placed anywhere in the RvR lake.  In preparation I hopped on the PTS to figure out how they work.  Read on for the details...

More Skaven Bosses Revealed

We recently found out that the new Skaven zone is actually a RvR dungeon.  What would a dungeon be if there were not bosses to fight?  In an interview, Carrie mentioned that one of the bosses is Throt the Unclean.  I did a little digging...

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Potions and Talismans

The Arsenal of WAR now includes Potions and Talismans.  As you can see, there are actually a ton of them, including Land of the Dead Souls.  I'm still missing quite a few of them since some are Bind on Pickup.  Looks like I am going to...

WAR, The Final Frontier

Open RvR is one of Warhammer Online's best features.  What I like best about it is its unstructured nature.  Zone locking itself may be structured, but what goes on inside the lake is often not.  Yesterday, I logged in, used the WAR report...

Monday, October 4, 2010

The new Skaven zone

Over the weekend, Carrie (Warhammer Online's Producer) went on the Ten Ton hammer Podcast to talk about the upcoming RvR Pack.  During it, she revealed new details about the new Skaven themed area.  For the details of what was discussed, check...

Friday, October 1, 2010

News from the Front: October!

It was has been an interesting week for WAR.  Andy traveled to the UK GamesDay event and dropped some new information on Skaven.  Then it was somehow the end of the month already and we got a Producer's Letter.  Was there anything interesting...

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