Last week, the Arsenal of WAR was updated to be '1.4 compliant' (fancy sounding). Since then, I have been playing a lot of the 1.4 patch. I did manage to pull myself out of game and have added a few more features to the Arsenal, which will hopefully make it more useful. Read on for the details.
Renown Builder. Rather than recreate the wheel, I have added support for the Renown Builder.
To use, just visit Warstats and allocate your points. When finished copy the url (i.e. ), go to the Item Depot and paste the url into the renown URL text box. After you hit the Import button, the renown stats and abilities should appear in the table.
Character Import. It looks like Realm WAR is working again, so you should be able to import your current character's gear into the Item Depot. Remember to adjust the Renown Rank if you are 81 or above.
You will need your character ID and server name. To get the ID, visit the Character Search. Bring up your character and take a look at the url. You'll want to find: id=number
Tags. I have added new tags, which anyone can assign. They include City bag's, Tier 4 Keeps and Thanquols Incursion. Assigning a tag is easy, just take a look at an item and you will see a drop down box with a choice of tags. Choose one and click the 'Tag it!' link. That's all there is to it.
Front Page. On the front page, I've added two more data columns: Latest builds and Latest tags. These will show some of the recent Item Depot builds other players have made and the latest items to have been tagged.
Chernobylite 2: Exclusion Zone - Interview
10 hours ago