In the upcoming 1.4.1 patch, Warrior Priest's and Disciples of Khaine will see some pretty significant changes to a number of their abilities. Steven, Combat and Careers designer, has taken the changes to the forums and is working with players to hammer out the details.
For those of you at work, here is a summary of where the changes stand now. Big thanks to Xyrd for posting this.
Warrior Priest
* Smite - Now costs 45 AP, 15RF per target hit, 0sec cast time, 5sec cooldown, small AoE damage. The important thing to note is that it no longer gives RF on activation.
* Divine Assault - Previously in the heal tree. Now in the hybrid tree.
* Divine Mend - New core ability - costs 35RF, cast time 0.5, cooldown 5secs, healing tree, single-target heal. Heals for 375 + (Willpower + Healing Power). Is immune to cooldown increasers and decreasers.
* Divine Strike - Removed.
* Sigmar's Radiance - Previously costs 35AP, cooldown 5secs, does medium damage, heals group-other-than-DoK within 30ft for 50% of damage dealt. Now costs 35AP, no cooldown, does less damage, heals-group-including-WP within 100ft for base amount of 340 + 50% of damage dealt.
* Cleansing Power - Makes Purify affect the entire group once (in theory). Previously 3point tactic in heal tree. Now 11point tactic in heal tree.
* Divine Warding - Previously 11point tactic in heal tree that made Divine Assault 50% less likely to be set back. Now 3point tactic in heal tree that has critical heals grant an absorb shield to the WP.
* Fanaticism - 7point tactic in damage tree. Previously increased chance to crit with melee by 15%. Now increases chance to crit with melee by 10% and chance to parry by 10%.
* Endless Guilt - Makes snare from Weight Of Guilt last 10secs and be AoE. Previously 3point tactic in damage tree. Now core tactic.
* Grace Of Sigmar - 11point tactic in hybrid tree. Previously made Divine Strike heal for 150% of damage dealt (up from 100%) and Sigmar's Radiance heal for 100% of damage dealt (up from 50%). Now increases Sigmar's Radiance healing-from-damage from 50% to 75% (Note: it's been commented that this is probably too weak for an 11point tactic. Since they've been listening to suggestions so far, it wouldn't surprise me if it got a small buff).
* Intimidating Repent - Makes detaunt into AoE Detaunt with 30ft radius. Previously core tactic, now 7point tactic in dps tree.
* Divine Reward - Previously core tactic that made Divine Aid (front-loaded HoT) and Healing Hand (normal HoT) have a 25% chance to make the next attack not cost any AP. Now 3point tactic in the dps tree that increases the damage done by the Prayer Of Righteousness proc.
* Gift Of Life - Morale 4 in healing tree, now mirrors 1k1 Dark Blessings (including 10sec duration).
Disciple Of Khaine
* Essence Lash - Now costs 45 AP, 15SE per target hit, 0sec cast time, 5sec cooldown, medium AoE damage. The important thing to note is that it no longer gives SE on activation.
* Rend Soul - Previously in the heal tree. Now in the hybrid tree.
* Khaine's Invigoration - New core ability - costs 35SE, cast time 0.5, cooldown 5secs, healing tree, single-target heal. Heals for 375 + (Willpower + Healing Power). Is immune to cooldown increasers and decreasers.
* Consume Essence - Removed.
* Transfer Essence - Previously costs 35AP, cooldown 5secs, does medium damage, heals group-other-than-DoK within 30ft for 50% of damage dealt. Now costs 35AP, no cooldown, does less damage, heals-group-including-DoK within 100ft for base amount of 340 + 50% of damage dealt.
* Terrifying Aura - Makes detaunt into AoE Detaunt with 30ft radius. Previously core tactic, now 7point tactic in dps tree.
* Bleed Out - Increases durations of damage DoTs. Previously 7 point tactic in dps tree, now core tactic.
* Restored Motivation - 7point tactic in heal tree. Previously made Restore Essence also give target 250 points of Morale. Now gives all heals a 25% change to give the target 50AP, cannot work on self.
* Persistent Rending - 11point tactic in heal tree. Previously made Rend Soul 50% less likely to be set back. Name changed to Efficient Patching, makes Patch Wounds affect the entire group once (in theory).
* Empowered Transfer - 11point tactic in hybrid tree. Previously made Consume Essence heal for 150% of damage dealt (up from 100%) and Transfer Essence heal for 100% of damage dealt (up from 50%). Now increases Transfer Essence healing-from-damage from 50% to 75% (Note: it's been commented that this is probably too weak for an 11point tactic. Since they've been listening to suggestions so far, it wouldn't surprise me if it got a small buff).
* 1001 Dark Blessings - Duration reduced to 10secs from 30secs.
Numbers on Sigmar's Radiance/Transfer Essence...
With 1000 Strength + Melee Power:
At 0% mitigation: 641 healing.
At 75% mitigation: 566 healing.
Also want to point out that TE/SR heal value is based off of Rank 40 values.
And....Khaine's Invigoration/Divine Mend will cost AP and not mechanic points.
You can read the full thread here (or just Steven's posts).
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