Welcome to March! Warhammer Online's 1.4.1 patch goes live today. It may not be packed with major new features, but it does have some very interesting additions and changes to the game. Included is the new Worn Sovereign armor set, renown changes for lower RR sets and the new scenario lineup. Read on for the details.
To pass the time while the servers are down, here is some of the 1.4.1 coverage:
1.4.1 Patch Notes - A breakdown of some of the more interesting pieces of the 1.4.1 patch notes.
New Claim Window - A look at the new Account Entitlement Claim Window which is being added.
New Armor Sets - Information about the new Worn Sovereign armor sets being added for each class. Includes links to the Arsenal of WAR for each.
New 1.4.1 Changes - Late additions, including toning down Warpforged/Doomflayer procs and crest up-conversion.
The servers should be up by 1pm EST.
In other WAR news, Mythic Community Manager James Nichols has left the company and reappeared at Trion. Thanks for everything James and good luck!
LOTRO: Stabbing wasps and fluffy goats
2 hours ago