Wow, it's July already. Feels like I spent most of June writing about WAR and the 1.4.3 patch. I'm pretty happy with it so far and I really do enjoy the new College of Corruption scenario. And it's not just because I'm winning, it's been pretty even in my experience. Last week, I said something about Mythic...
NOTE: Off to Mythic
July 6th is less than a week away! There will be some WAR news happening on that day, but oddly enough I don't think I'll be able to do a blog post that morning :) I've thrown out a few hints on twitter. I'm also not the only one who is looking forward to the date.
So be sure to stay tuned for whatever that may be next week. And for those of you in the US, have a good holiday weekend!
Banquet for Fools - Version 1.8 live
4 hours ago