Lately, I've been having trouble keeping up with all the the Star Wars: The Old Republic news and content being generated by the community. I needed a better (and quicker) way of dealing with them, so the TOR Nexus was born.
What is it? The TOR Nexus is basically an aggregator, but takes in a bunch of different sources. Currently, it looks for TOR content at a number of blogs, fansites, BioWare, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube and Live Streams. My goal for the project is to keep it simple, quick and useful.
As a blogger, I really don't want to take any views away from someones site. That's why the TOR Nexus is mostly focused on providing links. At most a few sentences from an article will be shown. The goal here is to drive visitors to the content creators.
Main Page. On the front page, you will the see latest news from nearly all of the sources the nexus uses.
Class Pages. Each class in TOR gets its own page. Here you will find the latest community posts, videos and forum threads having to do with the class. For example, check out the Troopers page.
Live Feed. This page will show you content as it comes into the TOR Nexus. It automatically updates, so no need to refresh. Right now this also will show SWTOR related youtube videos as they are uploaded.
You can find the TOR Nexus here:
Please let me know if you have any problems, ideas or questions about the new site. I still have a bunch more to add, but I hope it proves useful. A link for the TOR nexus can also be found on my menu bar above.