With the arrival of Relics to Fortresses in the Warhammer Online 1.4.5 patch, we also get special guardians called Fortress Generals. What makes these npc's special is that players can assume control over them in order to defend their relic. If they are not being controlled, they will act like normal npc's and attack when enemies are near.
Some things to know about Fortress Generals:
- They have a ton of health. Healer archetypes have ~240,000 hp and the rest have ~160,000hp.
- Each has 5 abilities for the player to use.
- They do not do a lot of damage/healing, less than most players. However, some have some nice utility.
- The Fortress Generals are only available when a Fort is claimed.
- If you take a General too far away from the Fort, you will revert to your original form. Dying is the only other way to drop the General.
Dwarf Generals
General Skobik, Rune Priest
General Hengrudon, Ironbreaker
General Banlund, Slayer
General Nuzil, Engineer
Greenskin Generals
General Maggog, Shaman

General Pugratt, Black Orc
General Ragalitz, Choppa
General Gozras, Squig Herder