Another Friday, another slacking day for me on this blog. Today I have a good SWTOR site for you and a freaking amazing video. My week has been spent mostly playing League of Legends and SWTOR. I really want to get to 30 in LoL, just because.
TOR Fashion. Custom armor is one of the things I really like about SWTOR. It lets you look how you want, but is also a part of the game system (unlike appearance tabs). The problem is, how do you find that look you want? That's where TOR Fashion comes in, it is a site dedicated to showing off those armor sets.
Check them out at:
Planetside 2. If your not sure what PS2 is.... it's an open world MMOFPS. I'll just let the video speak for itself.
How awesome was that? Seriously, this is easily my most anticipated game now even though I suck at shooters. Now I just need some dirt on a SOE employee for blackmail so I can get into beta. I was contemplating trying out Planetside 1 just because of this video.
Mappers have Mapped
37 minutes ago