It's Free Stuff Friday! If only I had enough free stuff to make that a regular thing. Today our free stuff comes courtesy of EA and BioWare Mythic. There are a couple of promotions going on for Wrath of heroes right now.
Summer Giveaway. Head on over to the EA Play4Free page to get a free WoH Starter Pack. It only goes on today! It has: 14 day XP boost, 7 day Gold boost, a Wooden Chest, and 5 health Potions. Those extended boosts are pretty sweet. They do stack with the subscriber bonus too. I'm at 150% for both XP and Gold right now :)
Raptr. I personally don't use Raptr, but they have special WoH rewards just for playing the game. You can get a free XP Boost, Wooden Chest, and Ornate Chest. It's free, just have to install their software. I know a lot of people who use it and it seems kind of neat. So check it out.
Dev Spy. Ok, this has nothing to do with WoH (yet), but it is free too.
Crowdfunding surprise
1 hour ago