I have returned from my pseudo-vacation. It turned out to be a pretty lame weak, as I was under the weather most of the time. On the positive side, I did get ample time to catch up on TV and gaming. I did more of the first though with a lot of time watching Psych Season 1.
SWTOR. My Trooper is still on Hoth. Most of my time has been spent on my Jedi Knight doing another project, which I will discuss a bit tomorrow.
TSW. I'm still in Kingsmouth. I'm not sure how some people advance so quickly, there is so much to do here. I currently have 31 AP to spend but am in no rush. My current skills seem to do the job just fine.
Thrawn Trilogy. I started to read the Thrawn Trilogy (Star Wars). I don't know why it has taken me so long to get into the Star Wars Expanded universe, but better late than never right?
Development. I'm still working away on my latest game idea. I just do a little piece each day. Most of my recent work has been on the Auction house.