This weekend I got bitten by the competitive bug. That lead me to playing League of Legends for most of my free time. I had recently reached 30, so was eligible to start ranked matches. I had a limited stable of champions, a single rune page, and experience in a few roles. I decided just to jump right in.
When you start off ranked matches in LoL, you go through 10 placement matches before you receive your official ELO score. I managed to complete all 10, so am not a ranked player. I ended up going 4 - 6 and receiving an ELO rating of 1148. Sounds about right considering how prepared I was and that I hadn't played in a few weeks.
Some thoughts...
What meta? Usually the game goes: solo top, AP mid, AD and Support bottom and a Jungler. A good number of my placement matches did not have a jungler. It actually didn't make much of a difference. At one point we started with 3 bot...
Jungle. I really should do a couple of bot matches and learn how to jungle.
Support. Support was actually popular in my games, led me to being Mid and Top.
Soraka. She was a popular ban at this ELO.
Runes. I really should complete my only Rune page. I have the IP, just being lazy.
Zyra. She was a beast in one of our games, 24 kills. I tried to Exhaust her, but just ended up hitting Taric instead.
Community. The games were surprisingly pleasant. I didn't need to report anyone. Some language difficulties, but overall not bad.
I'm not sure I'll really spend a lot of time trying to raise my ELO, but I wanted to at least get there. Lots of games to play!