Lately, I've been going through a rough time of gaming. It isn't that I can't find anything to play, it's that there are just too many options. I'm almost left paralyzed by the amount of choices. I suppose it's a good thing, but I also miss the days of just focusing on a single game.
I want to play SWTOR.
I want to play League of Legends.
I want to want to play WAR.
I want to play Firefall.
I want to play The Secret World.
I'm going to play Guild Wars 2 in a few days.
I want to play Wrath of Heroes.
I want to play End of Nations.
I want to try out SMITE.
I'm tempted to play Rift because of the expansion pack.
I want to play Distant Worlds
I want to play Skyrim
I want to play EU3, Victoria 2, Hearts of Iron 3 and Crusader Kings 2.
I really want to play Planetside 2.
I'm sure I am missing some games, but the amount of options out there is just insane.