A couple of years ago, an event was held in Warhammer Online called Pink for Tink. It was player run and Mythic supported to celebrate and support one of our fellow players who had breast cancer. It was actually one of my Guild Mates, who played a Bright Wizard rather well. Mythic even provided NPC's in her name that gave out pink dye. Not something you'd expect from a cutthroat PvP community.
Sadly, Andy (former WAR and CoH community manager) brings us sad news. It turns out that the cancer has progressed and Tink entered Hospice care. That basically means a new journey is about to begin for her. I can't imagine how her husband must feel, along with her children. I wish them all the best. And Tink, I enjoyed helping you melt Destro on my Engy.
My Last Best Hope of Getting to Mordor
11 hours ago