If you have been reading this site for any amount of time, you'd know that I am not much of a raider. I actually ran the 10-man Kara in WoW way back when, but that was it for my raiding career. The main reason I don't is the time it takes and the usual need for a guild.
I am pretty tempted to get involved with raiding in SWTOR though. Mainly because of their Story Mode level of difficulty and the fact you can join a raid with their Group Find tool. It would seem to solve my issues with raiding. Of course, I need a level capped character to get started, but that's another issue all together :)
The new raid coming in 1.4, Terror from Beyond looks pretty cool. Here is a video of the first boss, The Writhing Horror.
And the official developer dispatch.
Have a good weekend!
Banquet for Fools - Version 1.8 live
6 hours ago