WAR version 1.4.9 is now live on the PTS. The main feature of this patch is career balancing with a focus on the Black Orc and Swordmaster. Other careers are also getting some attention. Some buffs, others balancing. Take a look below for the details.
The second part of the Stronghold Saga Live Event is also probably coming with 1.4.9.
Bright Wizard
Several spells now add Weapon DPS when calculating damage.
Combustion Mechanic: the Explosion damage formula has been altered to deal about half as much damage based on Career Rank as it used to, but will now calculate additional damage based on Renown Rank.
Meltdown deals additional damage based on Renown Rank.
Several spells now add Weapon DPS when calculating damage.
Dark Magic Mechanic: the Backlash damage formula has been altered to deal about half as much damage based on Career Rank as it used to, but will now calculate additional damage based on Renown Rank.
Dhar Wind deals additional damage based on Renown Rank.
Gun Turret, Bombardment Turret, and Flame Turret: These abilities can be cast while moving. The turret delivery box will no longer appear but the character will go through a suitably alternate animation during the cast time.
Several spells now add Weapon DPS when calculating damage.
Summon Pink Horror, Summon Blue Horror, and Summon Flamer: These abilities can be cast while moving.
Sapping Strike - Requires Perfect Balance, Leads to Normal Balance. Deals VALUE0 damage. Removes 50 Action Points from your target. You recover 50 Action Points.
Heaven's Blade - All your melee attacks gain a 25% chance to reduce all of your target's resists by VALUE0 and their armor by VALUE1 for 10 seconds. During this time, both you and your groupmates within 100 feet will benefit from the stolen resist and armor.
Phantom's Blade - All your melee attacks gain a 25% chance to reduce your target's wounds by VALUE0 for 10 seconds. During this time, both you and your groupmates within 100 feet will benefit from the stolen wounds. You and your groupmates will be healed by the amount increased.
Nature's Blade - All your melee attacks gain a 25% chance to randomly steal 160 stat points from targets within 30 feet of you for 10 seconds. During this time, both you and your groupmates within 100 feet will benefit from the stolen stats.
Black Orc
Arm Breaka - Needs Da Best Plan!! No Plan after dis! Deals VALUE0 damage. Removes 50 Action Points from your target. You recover 50 Action Points.
Da Greenest - All your melee attacks gain a 25% chance to reduce all of your target's resists by VALUE0 and their armor by VALUE1 for 10 seconds. During this time, both you and your groupmates within 100 feet will benefit from the stolen resist and armor.
Da Toughest! - All your melee attacks gain a 25% chance to reduce your target's wounds by VALUE0 for 10 seconds. During this time, both you and your groupmates within 100 feet will benefit from the stolen wounds. You and your groupmates will be healed by the amount increased.
Da Biggest! - All your melee attacks gain a 25% chance to randomly steal 160 stat points from targets within 30 feet of you for 10 seconds. During this time, both you and your groupmates within 100 feet will benefit from the stolen stats.
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