Not too long ago, BioWare revealed their summer plans for SWTOR. As I wrote, I am not very excited about what I read. This is going to be a selfish post, hence the 'My' in the title. So, what would I like to see this summer?
Looking for Raid. I will never see Nightmare mode Operations. So instead of adding these modes, I would much rather see their Story Mode versions added to the group finder. I am much more likely to see that content if they were in LFR.
New Events. There is a new recurring event coming in 2.3. The fact that it is recurring totally kills my excitement for it. Let's be honest, it is really just a set of temporary dailies. I would much rather see new one time events instead. The Rakghoul Plague and Chevin Scavenger Hunt were a lot of fun and memorable. I don't consider the Gree event to be either.
New Story Quests. We are getting a new daily zone in 2.3, but I'm not sure I count that as story content. I want a voiced quest lines instead. For a game that is supposedly based on story, there is surprisingly little of it introduced in patches. The Secret World seems to do a better job of that than SWTOR since they add quests in their Issue releases.
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