Lately I have been having a few issues with Defiance. Most of it stems from the TV show rather than the game. Initially, I could not help but be intrigued by the potential of a MMO with an accompanying TV show. There are so many possibilities, so I went ahead and bought the game.
The game itself is pretty decent. It feels good as a shooter and there looks to be a good amount of depth. That being said, I have not played much lately. Instead I have been watching the TV show on the SyFy channel.
The problem is I'm not sure I like the TV show. I've watched all of the episodes except this weeks, and it really hasn't hooked me. It's good enough for me to keep giving it one more chance though. Howevr, I'm not sure I would be disappointed if I forgot to record an episode.
One issue I have with the show is the lore. They don't really tell you much about the world and the history. They mention the Arkfall and a war, but they never really go into the details. I would like to get an episode that was all about the back story... if there is one. Maybe the game talks about the who, when, where and why's more?
I'm also not a fan of most of the characters in the show. Nolan, the main character, is alright but the rest of them just don't click with me.
So my lackluster feelings about the show are crossing over to the game, even if it is not the games fault. I'm just not excited about the universe they created. If I were, I'd be more inclined to play the game more.
Mappers have Mapped
21 minutes ago