I only remain happy playing games for a limited amount of times. It eventually just leads towards me wanting to make my own game. This weekend I reached that point. It seems to be a never ending cycle. I do work on making my own game, run out of time, go with it for a few months, then go back to the start.
It really bothers me that I can't seem to muster enough time to make my dream become a reality. This is especially true with my new job which requires even more of my time. So I have these ideas, which I desperately want to try out, but can't. Very frustrating.
There is an option. Pay someone to do all the time-consuming bits for me. Seems like a good solution, sacrificing money for the time. Getting my ideas in a form that someone can take a produce a usable prototype is the real challenge. But it may be the only way moving forward. It is something I'll have to think on.