Wednesday, July 30, 2014

SWTOR's Massive Credit Sink

I think BioWare went into the plumbing business.  With the addition of housing (coming out August 19th!), BioWare also created a gigantic credit sink.  You know, a place to spend your hard earned money.  The prices are pretty high up there....

Monday, July 28, 2014

Burning a hole in my pocket

I've been subscribed to SWTOR since the start.  That includes a break where I did nothing but earn Cartel Coins.  I also bought some coins when they were cheap.  So, that leaves me with about 11,500 Cartel Coins in my wallet.  Now...

Friday, July 25, 2014

Back in the Saddle

All this talk about Galactic Strongholds got me back into playing SWTOR.  It also rekindled my interest in making videos.  So why not combine the two?  I'm glad you asked!  There was a double commendation and credit event going on,...

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Videos vs Streaming

Recently, I have had the urge to start making YouTube videos again.  I made quite a few for WAR and a bunch for ESO.  It's time I get back into the habit of making them.  I am going to shoot for one a week, focusing on whatever I happen...

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

New ESO Solo Content

Elder Scrolls Online went to QuakeCon this year and held a panel about the future of the game.   They even live-streamed it for everyone to see.  Sadly, I had a prior engagement at an ice cream parlor, so I missed it.  As usual, Dulfy...

Monday, July 21, 2014

Getting back into SWTOR

Ok, so lately I have been devouring all the information I can about the upcoming Galactic Stronghold expansion.  It looks pretty awesome.  I've already started to think of a theme for my Commando's Nar Shadaa house.  I'm thinking of making...

Friday, July 18, 2014

ESO Update 3

The ESO team has started to talk about their third update.  The big feature of the last update was a 'new' veteran dungeon, the Crypt of Hearts.  Of course, the first update was the Craglorn group zone along with Trials.  I will be looking...

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


It's going to be a quiet week here at Werit's Blog.  I only have so much mental bandwidth to go around, and this week I am running short.  Sadly, gaming is the first thing pushed aside.  Work has been taking up most of my mental bandwidth...

Friday, July 11, 2014

Was WAR doomed from the start?

Doomed is a strong word, of course.  The game had a good run and ranks among my favorites of all time.  However, it did have problems which were never really solved and contributed to it not being around today.  Certain design decisions...

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Housing is not enough

I talked last week about SWTOR's housing addition: Galactic Strongholds.  It's a very neat expansion that adds almost free-form housing/decorating to the game.  Guilds too get to join in on the fun with their own spaces to decorate. I really...

Monday, July 7, 2014

Warlords of Draenor Beta Key Giveaway

The fine folks over at WoW Stratics have a beta key for Warcraft's Warlords of Draenor expansion to givewaway.  They will be giving it away on Monday, July 14th.  For your chance, just head on over here and use the Sites with Benefits widget....

Thursday, July 3, 2014

SWTOR Housing Impresses

Yesterday, the team at BioWare released their first dev blog about the upcoming housing expansion called Galactic Strongholds.  They go into details about how their housing will work.  It's just the start of their information cycle,...

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Creating Planets

The next stage of Project Venice is to introduce the graphical element.  I'll be using Unity and their web client to do this.  I want players to be able to see the game world and Unity makes this easy.  It'll be an isometric view of the...

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