Some SPOILERS to follow. This week, I have been preparing myself for the new SWTOR 2.10 content. The final act of the Forged Alliances story arc happens in the Legacy of the Rakata Flashpoint. While I have avoided most information about what happens, I do know that Revan is back.
Now I did read the Revan book, but have forgotten most of it. I also have not really done anything involving Revan in SWTOR. So before I witness the big reveal, I'm doing a little preparation.
As I don't have time to reread the novel, Wikipedia is here to help. That gets us caught up to SWTOR.
In game, there are a few Flashpoints which involve Revan. I only know the Republic side. First is the Taral V Flashpoint. That leads into the Maelstrom Prison Flashpoint which deals more directly with Revan. Both are mid-range instances and are easily solo-able by my 55. I never did these while leveling, so it has been fun to see their cinematics.
The Revan saga, as we knew it, ends in the Foundry Flashpoint for Imperial players. As I don't have an Imp high enough, I found a good youtube video of the Revan fight. There is some nice dialog, and of course, no body after the fight.
Overall, it has been a lot of fun getting immersed in the story. I look forward to seeing how Revan comes back.
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