Usually on Fridays I have a video to show. I think I am going to take a break from doing them. One reason is that I am pretty busy with Social Questing and playing SWTOR. Another is that the videos are just not seeing the growth that I would like. Thirteen weeks in a row is a pretty good amount though, so I am happy about that.
This week was a pretty good one as far as SWTOR goes. I made a pretty big windfall on the GTN. I found a Hunter's Planning Table on the GTN for the default price of 450 credits. I quickly snatched this up and posted it for 400,000 credits. I was quite pleased when it sold for a very nice profit.
By using the credits I made by selling warzone decorations, I made enough to buy a Massive Anti-Air Turret from the GTN for 2.25 million credits. This guy won't fit in my Nar Shaddaa stronghold so I am going to have to buy the Tatooine stronghold. Sounds like a plan for this weekend! Of course, last night I checked the Turret pricing on the GTN and one was for sale for 1.5 million credits. Oh well.
Mappers have Mapped
40 minutes ago