I have to admit, I have not done too much decorating of my Stronghold lately. The Officer's Club, which is what I have planned to do next has stalled. This is mainly due to me missing one item: a Jukebox. What kind of cantina does not have some music? A pretty poor one. It would really tie the room together. The dude abides.
The Jukeboxes are obtained through Cartel Packs, and I have not been lucky enough to get one. They can also be bought off of the GTN, but generally run around 900k credits on my server. I'm just not prepared to spend that much. I did get a nice tunic, I forget the name, from a Seneschal pack which seems to sell for ~800k. So if I manage to sell that, I'll spend the credits on a Jukebox.
So these are the kinds of problems facing me in SWTOR right now. It's funny what a housing system can add to the game.
Banquet for Fools - Version 1.8 live
6 hours ago