Saturday, November 29, 2014

New Rewards!

I've got some stuff to giveaway :)  By taking it, you'll also be helping me test Social Questing.  So it is a win win!  I have a few Tauntaun Fawn pet codes for SWTOR left over, so they are available.  I also have some Early Access...

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

I just wanted to wish my US readers a Happy Thanksgiving.  We have a lot to be thankful for as we get to play/talk/write about games!  A lot of people don't have that opportunity.  I consider myself quite lucky to be able to participate...

Wednesday, November 26, 2014


One of those most iconic vehicles in Star Wars, to me at least, is the Sandcrawler from Episode 4.  Lets face it, Jawa's are awesome and they have good taste in transportation.  So when they introduced a Sandcrawler decoration for strongholds,...

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Press Event and a New Trailer

BioWare had a bunch of community types out to California to check out the new expansion, Shadow of Revan.  They got to see the game and then do a Q&A with the development team.  It looks like it was an awesome time, you can check out an...

Monday, November 24, 2014

I'm not big into streaming.  I wish I was, but it requires time and personality that I just don't posses.  Still, it looks like a fun thing to do.  A couple of weeks ago I heard on Twitter about a new streaming service:  This...

Friday, November 21, 2014

So Many Plans

A couple months ago, I had a whole list of things I was going to do in SWTOR before the expansion drops.  I was going level my Agent to 55, and do Chapter 2 on my Jedi Knight.  I was going to finally finish Makeb.  I was going to do Oricon,...

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The Repopulation Q&A and Alpha Key Giveaway!

Today we have a Q&A for the upcoming MMO, The Repopulation.  The questions are based on my early experiences in alpha, and provide a glimpse of what the game is like, and many of the possibilities.  It's a game that I keep getting more...

Monday, November 17, 2014

I'm doing it wrong

I have to admit, I have been pretty lax about taking advantage of 12x XP in SWTOR.  My Imperial Agent is still sitting at 28 about to take on Alderaan.  The last couple of weekends, I just have not been in the leveling mood.  I love the...

Friday, November 14, 2014

Tatooine Stronghold

One of my recent goals in SWTOR has been to get my hands on a Massive Anti-Air Turret.  These things just look awesome, plus they shoot!  They are not cheap though, and I didn't have any luck getting one in a Seneschal pack.  On The Ebon...

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Warlords of Draenor Giveaway

The guys over at Noobist.TV are giving away a copy of the Warlords of Draenor expansion for WoW (or $50 of Battle.Net cash).  The occasion is the launch of their new YouTube network.  They really want to concentrate on growing channels, rather...

Monday, November 10, 2014

Doom and gloom for SWTOR?

Over the weekend, I was sad to discover that the latest EA financial fillings.  You can read them for yourself here, just search for Old Republic.  The TLDR of the filings is that the revenue coming from SWTOR is down in pretty much every case....

Friday, November 7, 2014

Officers' Club

My stronghold project, which has gone on way longer than I planned, is just about complete.  This is of course just one room, what can I say, I'm slow.  My Nar Shaddaa stronghold is basically a Republic Outpost on the neutral planet.  Every...

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Losing Mentality

I love PvP in my MMO.  As a result, I have suffered my share of losses.  I played Order on Badlands in Warhammer Online and we were usually at a disadvantage.  That's fine, I can accept being the underdog.  I don't mind losing.  However,...

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Damage going... down?

With SWTOR 3.0 patch, Shadow of Revan, there will be a host of combat changes/balancing.  There is too much for me to repeat here, I suggest this link.  There is one change coming that is kind of a big deal.  Usually with MMO expansions,...

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Help test Social Questing, $20 Steam Gift Card Giveaway!

Social Questing is a system which allows you to create quests for your readers/viewers and provide them with rewards.  Quests can be tasks such as following your Twitter account, Liking a URL on Facebook, subscribing to your Youtube channel, and...

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