Social Questing is a system which allows you to create quests for your readers/viewers and provide them with rewards. Quests can be tasks such as following your Twitter account, Liking a URL on Facebook, subscribing to your Youtube channel, and more. Rewards are given out via a raffle system or just purchased with the earned points.
I need your help to test Social Questing! I'll be giving out a $20 Steam Gift Card. You'll find the Social Questing widget on the right sidebar. Just Sign In and start doing quests. Then, click on the reward and exchange the points for lottery tickets. The drawing will be on Saturday, November 8th at 9am EST.
If you are already following me on Twitter/Youtube, you can unfollow and refollow to get the points.
Please let me know of any troubles. This is the first real test of the system, so there very well could be. Thanks for the help!
Mappers have Mapped
1 hour ago