I love PvP in my MMO. As a result, I have suffered my share of losses. I played Order on Badlands in Warhammer Online and we were usually at a disadvantage. That's fine, I can accept being the underdog. I don't mind losing. However, even I have my limits.
I play a Trooper on The Ebon Hawk. During the times I play, we lose a lot of warzones. My unscientific sampling says we win about 20% of the time. That's losing 8 / 10 matches usually. That's a lot of losing.
At first, I was fine with it. However, lately, it has really started to affect the way I view my time in game. Going into matches, I have no expectation of winning. Without that hope, I tend to focus on other things, like the rewards given for completing a warzone. That path leads to the dark side. I end up just wanting to get the warzone over as quick as possible.
There is, of course, steps I can take to turn this around. Joining like minded players and running pre-mades is the obvious answer. However, my casual style makes this difficult. Sometimes I just am able to jump on for a match or two. That's my problem, not the games. I could also just play my Agent more and hopefully win 8 / 10. I don't like giving up either, even if that is how I am starting to feel.
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34 minutes ago