BioWare had a bunch of community types out to California to check out the new expansion, Shadow of Revan. They got to see the game and then do a Q&A with the development team. It looks like it was an awesome time, you can check out an account here. I remember my trips to Mythic for Warhammer Online, very memorable experiences.
The Q&A was pretty good, I recommend reading through it all. It was a lot to type, so kudos to Heather! Some interesting things I took away...
Data Mining. There was a recent dustup with SWTOR and data minter swtor_miner (from Reddit). The developers took the time to explain they have no problem with data mining. It is an accepted part of their business. They do have a problem when it comes to talking about exploits. I figured this was the case, as my data mining efforts were never met with anything negative.
Solo Mode. Shadow of Revan will feature more solo content than ever before. There will be solo-modes for the new Flashpoints, as well as a way of seeing the end of the Revan story without doing the Operations. I want to write more on this later, but I think I am happy.
And now for the new trailer!
Mappers have Mapped
50 minutes ago