Today is the day! SWTOR 3.0, Shadow of Revan, goes live. I was tempted to take some sick time today and immerse myself in launch day shenanigans but work had other plans for me. Instead I am working from home, giving me a bit more time to play today than I normally would have. I'll let you in on a little secret, I have been in the closed beta for SoR for a while. That's about all I can say about it.
I only have a few goals for my playtime today. Hopefully it all goes smoothly and I can actually get some time in the game, of course.
Disciplines. With the new skill system, I need to get my Trooper sorted out. I am going to stick with Gunnery for the time being. I'll also need to get my hotkeys setup since some skills are going away.
Crafting. I can't forget to pick up the next tier of crafting skills.
Rishi. I hope to at least do a quest or two on Rishi. I'm sure it will be crowded, so I am not going to rush things.
Those are my goals for launch day. I am going to leave things like the new Cartel Packs for the weekend I think.
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55 minutes ago