Since I am taking a brief intermission from SWTOR, I have been looking at some new games to play. Star Trek Online caught my eye as I have not played it in probably a couple of years. They've had the Legacy of Romulas and Delta Rising expansions since I last stepped into the game. So I thought I'd check it out again. I've had a character since launch, but so much has changed that it seemed like a good idea to start fresh.
Of course, it turns out I never transferred my Cryptic account over to Prefect World. Sadly, this ended up being a manual process where I had to submit a support ticket. That meant no STO over the weekend :( Monday night, PWE came through and linked up my old account. I couldn't leave that 675 Zen behind (and 85k Dilithium).
I've always been a fan of Romulans, even if they are just Dark Elves. So it was a no brainer that I rolled one. I get to experience the new content and start fresh. So far, it is pretty cool. I am impressed with the visuals of the tutorial world and the voice acting. Everything seemed pretty polished.
I got to the flotilla and called it a night. I'm not a huge fan of the starting ship, as I really like the TNG Warbirds. I'll get there eventually. I'm also a little bummed I am working for the Romulan Republic, i.e. the good guys. I like my Romulans evil.
Banquet for Fools - Version 1.8 live
6 hours ago