Surprise! Syp posted an article about the need for both bloggers and game journalists. I thought it was pretty good. I agree that there is a need for both. Although, I can't really speak to the journalist side of things. It's pretty clear that a journalist I am not. For one, I don't write nearly well enough. That's ok though, I have other strengths (I use that term loosely) that hopefully make up for my lack of writing prowess.
I am also pretty biased, which should be obvious. I only write about things I like. You won't find much in the way of posts about games I don't play here. 90% of what I write about is positive too, I don't find negative writing to be very fun so I don't do it. Doing in my own way is part of what being a blogger is all about.
I tend to hold journalists to a higher standard, both with quality and perceived bias. They are usually getting paid for their work, so I expect more. That being said, I am sometimes compensated too, but never with direct cash. For example, Mythic brought be down to their HQ a couple of times, put me up in a hotel, fed me, and showed me cool stuff. I consider that compensation. As a blogger, getting involved with the things I already like is a dream come true.
I tend to prefer bloggers to major game sites. Usually, I go to a blog to read about a game I am playing, or a game I am thinking about playing. I want to read experiences, so I know what they game is like. Or if I am already playing a game, to learn something new. That's the good thing about Massively, they do news, but they also talk about they games they are actively playing. So I was happy to support their kickstarter.
Mappers have Mapped
37 minutes ago