Monday, July 18, 2016

Thoughts on Knights of the Eternal Throne

During the Star Wars Celebration, BioWare announced the next expansion for SWTOR: Knights of the Eternal Throne. That is pretty much all we know about it.  It wouldn't be BioWare if we got something juicy.  I'm happy that they announced a new...

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

My Console Pipeline

Yesterday, during E3, Microsoft announced not one but two consoles.  There was a funny tweet I saw, to paraphrase "Microsoft announces a new console then makes it obsolete 90 minutes later."  Great stuff.  I immediately went and pre-ordered...

Monday, June 13, 2016

New Toy for the Kid in Me

I have a new obsession.  It all started when i was looking through a box of stuff from when I was a kind.  I found these diecast military planes I used to play with.  They are pretty small, a few inches long.  But I used to love them,...

Thursday, June 9, 2016


This post is a bit different from what I usually post here.  It really has nothing to do with games.  I was thinking about yesterday when I am most content.  I'm not sure if this is strange or not, maybe you can confirm or deny. For...

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Hearts of Iron 4 is Awesome

How many ways can you do a WW2 game?  It's also a question I asked myself when Civilization 6 was announced.  It turns out, they can just keep making it better,  Hearts of Iron is the best iteration of the game yet.  Some of the things...

Monday, June 6, 2016

What's Werit up to?

Busy times at the Werit household.  I spent a large chunk at a ballet recitle yesterday.  It wasn't that bad, as there was a lot of  modern music.  Other kid seems to have sports practice or a game daily.  Then there is work,...

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

A New Venture

As I mentioned last week, my gaming habits have changed.  As such, I got an idea for a new website.  This time, I am not going for a blog.  That's what this site is for after all.  Instead the new site will focus on the topic of mobile...

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Wait, Werit still has a Blog?

I do!  It's been the longest gap between posts since this blog started years ago.  Honestly, I have been pretty busy at work.  I only have so much mental bandwidth to give and the blog has been the one to suffer.  I'm sorry blog....

Friday, April 8, 2016

So far behind

I was away for work all week, and I come back with just a mess of gaming related things to do.  I have really been slacking on that front it seems.  By the way, the new computer is awesome!  I got it all setup with a few games, and it...

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Today is a big day!

It's been a few years, but today my new computer arrives!  I decided to go high end, because I want this system to last me at least 5 years.  So lets get to the main specs... Intel i7 6 core 3.3ghz 32gb of RAM Nvidia 980ti 1TB Samsung SSD 27"...

Monday, March 21, 2016

Clash Royale

with cheese.  I have never really gotten into a mobile game before.  They've always been too shallow for me to consider.  But posts by Keen and SynCaine turned me on to Clash Royal.  It's like a mini-moba but 1v1 and based on cards....

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The Division

I fell to the peer pressure that is Social Media.  Last week, I had no plans on buying The Division.  I figured it was just another multi-player shooter.  One of the many out there.  Although, I do love me some Tom Clancy.  Then...

Monday, March 14, 2016

To the Sea!

My goal in BDA last week was to get my very own raft and take to the sea.  No real reason, just that boats are cool.  Luckily rafts are not very difficult to make.  They just take a bunch of Contribution Points, some logs, and a few Black...

Friday, March 11, 2016

Down with Goblins! Up with Spaceships!

Normally, I like Goblins.  They have to be a little bit evil though.  In Black Desert Online, I do not.  They seem to be whiners/servants.  There are wild Goblins it seems, but they must pay for their more civilized cousins transgressions....

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

DBO today, SWTOR this weekend

Chapter XI of SWTOR launches today!  It brings back the first Trooper companion, Aric Jorgan.  I'm pretty excited about this chapter, but will hold off on playing it until this weekend.  I need the uninterrupted time that I only get on...

Monday, March 7, 2016

Black Desert Online's Economy is out of whack

So I've been looking at making a living by crafting in BDO.  I love mining and blacksmithing/tool making.  So I figured I'd head down that path.  My first goal would be to make a better pickaxe for people to mine with.  Sadly, the...

Friday, March 4, 2016

Day 1 of Black Desert Online

After some delays, Black Desert Online came online.  I created a Giant named Baracas (Werit).  Maybe my system is just old, but the game actually doesn't look that great to me.  I'm running on High too.  I think it is just my system,...

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Into Black Desert Online

The release of BDO really snuck up on me.  So I bought in at the $30 tier yesterday and should be able to play today.  Sadly, the servers are delayed coming up, otherwise I'd be playing and not making this post.  I don't have huge hopes...

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

XCOM 2 is hard

XCOM 2 is a pretty challenging game, but also very fun.  I am even using a mod that makes the Avatar project take longer.  Still,  I never seem to be able to assault the alien facilities.  I'm just always too injured to mount an assault....

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

One Star Fortress Down

A bunch more to go.  After a failed attempt to defeat a Heroic Star Fortress a few weeks ago, I returned to try again.  Last time, I just don't think my gear or companion influence was good enough.  Even with the buffs, I could not get...

Tuesday, February 23, 2016


As I was doing the Alliance recruitment mission for Blizz (which was awesome), an idea occurred to me.  Companions in SWTOR are now just ok.  While they have different looks and personalities, they are pretty much all the same.  They get...

Friday, February 19, 2016

Game Rankings

My gaming habits have changed a bit.  As I think about it, the games I play usually comes down to a ranking, so here are this weeks Werit game rankings!  I can only really think about 3 at a time. 1)  XCom 2 - it's the new kid on the...

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Chapter X, a success!

Last week, we saw the first of SWTOR's monthly content with Chapter X:  Anarchy in Paradise.  It wasn't all they had hoped, with the new arena feature being delayed a month.  However, it was a really good piece of content.  Some spoilers...

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

SWTOR 4.1 Impressions - No Story

Chapter X (4.1) launched for SWTOR yesterday.  Sadly, there was extended downtime though.  Not a big deal for me though.  I still got my game time in.  Overall, it is a pretty good patch so far.  I won't touch Chapter X until...

Monday, February 8, 2016

A Challenge ... in SWTOR?

Since Chapter 10 is due out this week (yay!)  it was time to start playing SWTOR again.  I recruited a few new Alliance members, but sent that Sith Xalek to prison.  Wonder if he will escape and come after me some day?  Then it was...

Friday, January 29, 2016

On to the next

I finished up at my current job today.  Kinda sucks leaving as I liked the work, and the people.  Just had an opportunity I had to take.  So thus ends this chapter.  It's a new kind of job for me so I am a little nervous.  Hopefully...

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Status Update

Good news on the Werit front.  I've acquired a new job and start soon.  It's a step up from where I am now, but more risky.  I'm very excited though.  I'm a very self-motivated person, and this new job will give me plenty of opportunity...

Monday, January 4, 2016

Still Kicking

I haven't posted in a while, but I am still around.  Gaming has taken a backseat lately to work.  I'm really making a push to advance on that front, so most of my energy has been going there.  I'm having fun though, so that is nice. When...

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