Last week, we saw the first of SWTOR's monthly content with Chapter X: Anarchy in Paradise. It wasn't all they had hoped, with the new arena feature being delayed a month. However, it was a really good piece of content. Some spoilers to follow.
The TLDR of it, Firebrand (aka, Kaliyo the Imperial Agent companion) is a terrorist on Zakuul. We go to recruit her. She wants our help to finish a job. We end up deciding how far to take things. She joins up. I was a bit disappointed that we couldn't really reject her. My Trooper doesn't need a terrorist Empire ally around.
It was a fun experience though. The new environments were good, the dialog was good. Combat was a bit different with enemies attacking in waves. There were even trash guys standing far away firing at us, but missing a lot. That added some nice atmosphere. There was a great fight where gunships attacked through the windows too.
I think it took me about a little over an hour to complete. I wish it was longer, but it was pretty good quality.
That's not all there is to the update. I have 2 Alliance missions to do still. One to get HK-55 back, the other to recruit Blizz (Bounty Hunter companion).
Oh, and Chapter XI is less than a month away already! Jorgan is back!
My Last Best Hope of Getting to Mordor
20 hours ago