The release of BDO really snuck up on me. So I bought in at the $30 tier yesterday and should be able to play today. Sadly, the servers are delayed coming up, otherwise I'd be playing and not making this post. I don't have huge hopes for the game, but it certainly looks like I'll get $30 out of it. There is no subscription, so it is like GW2.
I've heard a lot about grind issues, but who are we kidding? I'll probably never reach the level cap. I just want to play for a few weeks, explore, and mess with the new systems. No big deal. Sadly, Forge does not support BDO at the moment. I hate playing games without Forge now!
I am thinking of going with the Giant class. I hear it is the easiest to control. My dexterity level is quite low, so I need an easy class to play. I have been spoiled by too many years of hotbar based combat.
Chernobylite 2: Exclusion Zone - Interview
10 hours ago